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Noun Part 3 | Rule - 6,7 and 8 | For All Competitive Exam

Rule 6 - निम्नलिखित शब्द inseparable Noun कहलाते हैं, इनमें S जुड़ा रहता है और यह हमेशा Plural होते हैं।

  • Goggles 👓, Tongs , Scissors ✂️, Jeans👖, Pants 🩳, Pincers, Pyjamas, Shorts 🩳, Pliers etc.

✴️ इस शब्द के पहले a/an/one नहीं लगा सकते हैं यदि इनको एकवचन बनाना हो तो इसके पहले " a pair of " लगा देते हैं।


1. My Spectacles is missing.❌

= My Spectacles are missing.✓

2. I want to buy a tongs.❌

= I want to buy a pair of tongs tongs.✓

3. A Pair of Scissors are in my bag.❌

= A Pair of Scissors is in my bag.✓

4. Your Trousers is new.❌

 = Your Trousers are new.✓

5. I want to buy a Jeans for brother.❌

= I want to buy a pair of jeans Jeans for brother ✓

6. A pair of Trousers is new.❌

=  A pair of Trousers are new.✓


Rule 7 - कुछ शब्दों में S का प्रयोग नहीं होता है वह हमेशा प्लूरल होते हैं।

Ex - 

1.You Should help the poors.❌

= You Should help the poor.✓

2.The blinds are not able to cross the road.❌

= The blind are not able to cross the road.✓

3.Only the Braves deserve the reward.❌

= Only the Brave deserve the reward.✓

4.The rich hate the poors.❌

= The rich hate the poor.✓

Important Notes- 

  • I, We और You 1st Person होते है।

  • और बाकी शेष बचे 3rd Person होते है।

Nothing, Everything, None, Everyone   


But { शिवाए } + Noun

✳️ Nothing, Everyone, None, Everyone, यह सभी Main Verb होते हैं और यह Singular होते हैं और इनके साथ Singular Verb का प्रयोग होता है।


1.Nothing but the smoke are in the room.❌

=Nothing but the smoke is in the room.✓

2.None but the rich go to the big Partner.❌

=None but the rich goes to the big Partner.✓

3.None but the poor want to die.❌

=None but the poor wants to die.✓

V.Imp Rule 8-  5 rupees, Ten Rooms, Five Players…… लिखा जाता है लेकिन यदि इनके बाद कोई Noun आ जाए तो ऊपर आए उपरोक्त बहुवचन में Noun को एक वचन बना देते हैं और कुछ आए हुए Noun उनके लिए शुरू में A/An लगा देते है।


Three rooms — A Three room flat

Five men — A five Man team

Two Rupees — A two Rupee coin

Five years old — A five year old boy


1.My father gave me a two hundred rupees note.❌

= My father gave me a two hundred rupee note.✓

2. I live in a five rooms flat.❌

= I live in a five room flat.✓

3. A Ten women committee was set up. ❌

= A Ten woman committee was set up. ✓

4. I have a six children team.❌

= I have a six child team.✓

5. He gave me two rupees. ✓

6. Sarita is a ten year old girl. ✓

7 A five years Plan has been made.❌

= A five year Plan has been made.✓

8. A ten rupees note is in my 

pocket. ✓

Part 1 Link - Click Here 

Part 2 Link-  Click Here

Part 3 Link-  Click Hear


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